Our vision for the region:

We advocate for a sustainable Richmond Region in which communities are engaged, empowered, and excited to help shape where and how we grow in order to enhance connectivity, accessibility, and quality of life

A Richmond Region…

  • in which we reinvest in existing communities, fostering infill development, multimodal transportation choices, and walkable communities — while protecting the open spaces and agricultural lands threatened by further sprawling development.

  • connected by vibrant, vocal citizen groups in each of the 9 localities, monitoring and influencing where and how our communities grow and championing strong public participation in local planning.

  • with an active, educated, and engaged business community actively pursuing an economic model that strengthens the communities it serves.

  • unified through smarter growth: reinvestment in our existing infrastructure, preservation of our farms, forests, and open spaces, and linked land use and transportation solutions.

  • in which decisions are made with an explicit consideration of climate change’s causes and impacts, one in which we are reducing our pollution and planning to protect the most vulnerable from a rapidly changing climate.

Learn more by checking out our Smart Growth 101 primer, as well as our pages on affordable housing, transportation, and other issues relating to where and how we grow as a community.